A recent case from the Massachusetts
Appeals Court establishes that in many cases, it is much easier to
introduce text messages than this prosecutor thought. In the case of
Commonwealth v. Toney, Mass.App.Ct. (No. 13-P-275, Feb. 5, 2014) the
Court held that a text message may be introduced based on the
testimony of the recipient of the message and does not require a
subpoena to the cell phone company. However, this opinion is an
unpublished opinion of the Court and can't be used as precedent.
Nevertheless, the logic used by the Court should guide judges and
lawyers in the future.
The introduction of a text message as
evidence can be broken down into two elements: foundation and
contents. The Toney case only dealt with the foundation element as
the prosecutor never tried to introduce the text message itself. The
victim in this case testified that "since
we were friends, her phone number was in my phone," and that "I
know that when I got a text message with the name 'Chantelle Toney,'
. . . it was from Chantelle Toney." The court held that this
testimony was sufficient to allow the jury to determine if the text
message was sent by Chantelle Toney.
case treats text messages the same way that telephone calls are
treated. A telephone call can be introduced into evidence if the
person testifies to the circumstances of the telephone and the
totality of the circumstances show the identity of the caller.
Essentially, this is what the Court did in the Toney case. Based on
the totality of the circumstances, the Judge held that the witness
could identify the person that she believed sent the text.
the Toney case did not seek to introduce the contents of the text
message, this is usually very easy to do. I usually take the
cellphone, display the text message, place it on a copy machine, and
copy the text. I then make sure the actual cell phone is available
in Court and offer the copied text as evidence.
of evidence can be a complicated concept. This is particularly true
for new technology like text messages. An experienced trial attorney
should be prepared to apply the rules of evidence to this new